Garmin GPSMAP 64s – Slippery bits of information #1 / In this and the following posts I’ll try to add bits of information that I think may be of use to others.
Why ? The Garmin explications are a pure waste of time. Tthey explain next to nothing. More nothing than next to …..
To learn how to use it correctly and to its full potential. I have started browsing through many forums trying to find out how things work, what are some of the menus for etc etc., Some I’ve learnt by myself, most of I’ve learned online from all over the place so I will try to group the useful ones here for you.
Tip 1 :
While the garmin is plugged in to the your computer, in the Garmin folder of the internal drive, there is a file called ‘startup.txt’
This file while opened using bloc-notes or any simple text editor will be like this

Now here’s the cool bit, though totally useless 🙂
Change the display = 0 to 5 (I tried 5 and 2 message shows the same length)
Add a last line with your text

Now when the Garmin starts up, you’ll have the last line’s message showing on the screen, useless but fun.

I now have as written about in a new post the Garmin 66i This modification still works perfectly